OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Removal Machine - 'Mele o sebetsang hantle o boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shapeing tahlehelo ea boima ba 'mele mochini oa ho tlosa lekhopho - Sincoheren

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

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Maikutlo (2)

Maitekong a ho fihlela litlhoko tsa moreki, ts'ebetso eohle ea rona e etsoa ka tieo ho latela lepetjo la rona la boleng bo holimo, boemo ba tlholisano, ts'ebeletso e potlakileng bakeng sa.Ultrasound Tripollar Oxygen,Morekisi Emsculpt Machine,Mochini oa ho Tlisa Letlalo la Oksijene Sefahlehong, Re bile e mong oa baetsi ba hau ba kholo ka ho fetisisa ba 100% Chaena. Likhoebo tse ngata tse kholo tsa khoebo li kenya lihlahisoa le litharollo ho tsoa ho rona, kahoo re ka u fa theko ea theko e ntle ka ho fetisisa e nang le boleng bo tšoanang ho mang kapa mang ea re thahasellang.
OEM/ODM Feme ea Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - 'Mele o sebetsang hantle o boreleli kumashape slimming rf' mele o etsang ho theola boima ba 'mele mochini oa ho tlosa lekhopho - Sincoheren Detail:

ho sebopeho2


1. Ho phahamisa letlalo ho tiisa letlalo le ho tlosa masoebe

2. Ho bōptjoa ha 'mele,' mele contouring slimming tahlehelo ea boima ba 'mele

3. Ho tlosoa ha cellulite, ho phahamisa serope sa letsoho. Ho qhibiliha ha mafura, Matšoao a ho otlolla, lekhapetla la lamunu joalo-joalo.

4. Kalafo ena e sa buuoeng, e sa hlaseleng bakeng sa cellulite e na le likarolo tse 'nè, tseo hammoho li bontšitsoeng hore li sebetsa hantle ho tiisa le ho boreleli letlalo: radiofrequency energy (RF), matla a infraredlight, le mechanical vacuum ,automatic rolling massage.



1.TGA CE e hlakotsoe

2. 2.0-0.07 MPA e fetolehang ea vacuum e ka monya sebaka sa tartget sebakeng se pakeng tsa lirolara tse peli tseo ha e le hantle e leng li-electrode tse 2. Sena se ka etsa hore pheko e be ka nepo le ka katleho.Ho ka boela ha etsa hore phekolo e phutholohe. hantle.

3.10 MHZ bipolar radio frequency (RF) e nang le lirolara tse peli e ka kenella ka har'a lera la 0.5- 1.5 cm ka tlase ho letlalo ho sebetsa ka lisele tsa adipose tse sebetsang hantle.

Leseli la infrared la 4.700-2000nm le ka futhumatsa lisele tse hokahaneng tsa potlakisa ho nchafatsoa ha collagen le likhoele tse elastic. E ka boela ea ntlafatsa phallo ea mali le phallo ea lymph ho khothaletsa mmetabolism.



Matla a RF

ho fihlela ho 50w

RF maqhubu

10M Hz

Matla a khanya a infrared

Ho fihlela ho 20 W

IR Spectrum


Khatello e mpe


Boholo ba Sebaka sa Kalafo

('Mele): 50mm * 55mm;

(Letsoho): 37mm x23 limilimithara

Tlhokahalo ea motlakase

230VAC 50Hz 1200W

Litekanyo (W×D×H)


Boima (NW)



AC230V, 50Hz


Phello ea Kalafo


Setifikeiti le Pontšo


Setsi sa litšebeletso tsa Europe

Re na le ofisi e Jeremane ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle tsa bareki ho bareki ba Europe. Koetliso, ho etela, ho ba le phihlelo, tšebeletso ea ka mor'a thekiso li fumaneha kaofela.

Re na le ofisi e Jeremane ho fana ka litšebeletso tse ntle tsa bareki ho bareki ba Europe. Koetliso, ho etela, ho ba le phihlelo, tšebeletso ea ka mor'a thekiso li fumaneha kaofela.

Re ka u fa tšebeletso e ntle ea sebaka sa Jeremane ka theko e tlase ea Sechaena!


Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini oa ho tlosa lekhopho - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - Sebele se sebetsang hantle se boreleli kumashape slimming rf body shaping theola boima ba 'mele mochini o tlosang wrinkle - Sincoheren details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

E inehetse ho taolo e thata ea boleng bo holimo le ts'ehetso e nahanelang ea bareki, basebetsi ba rona ba nang le boiphihlelo hangata ba fumaneha ho buisana ka lintlha tsa hau le ho ba le khotsofalo e felletseng ea moreki bakeng sa OEM/ODM Factory Hifu Facial Wrinkle Removal Beauty Machine - 'Mele o sebetsang o boreleli oa kumashape slimming rf body shape weight. tahlehelo ea mochini oa ho tlosa wrinkle - Sincoheren , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Bandung , Bhutan , Bahrain , Ke mehlala e tšoarellang 'me e bapatsa ka katleho lefats'eng lohle. Ha ho na maemo a nyamelang mesebetsi e meholo ka nako e potlakileng, ke ntho e lokelang ho etsoa molemong oa hau oa boleng bo holimo. E tataisoa ke molao-motheo oa Prudence, Efficiency, Union and Innovation. khamphani e etsa boiteko bo matla ba ho holisa khoebo ea eona ea machabeng, ho nyolla phaello ea k'hamphani ea eona le ho phahamisa sekala sa eona sa kantle ho naha. Re na le tšepo ea hore re ntse re rera ho ba le tebello e matla le e tla phatlalatsoa lefatšeng ka bophara lilemong tse tlang.
  • Mookameli oa thekiso o na le mamello haholo, re buisane hoo e ka bang matsatsi a mararo pele re etsa qeto ea ho sebelisana, qetellong, re khotsofetse haholo ka tšebelisano ena!
    5 LinaleliKa Mignon ho tsoa Tajikistan - 2017.03.28 12:22
    Basebeletsi ba fektheri ba na le moea o motle oa sehlopha, kahoo re fumane lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ka potlako, ho phaella moo, theko e boetse e loketse, ena ke baetsi ba Chaena ba molemo haholo le ba ka tšeptjoang.
    5 LinaleliKa Ivy ho tsoa New Zealand - 2018.06.26 19:27
    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona